Child playing in outdoor hose spray

Frost Free Hosebibs

Spring is here in Minnesota! It’s time to get ready for outdoor gardening, and all of the activities we love. Part of your spring maintenance should be turning on your outdoor lawn faucet, otherwise known as a “hosebib”, bringing out your hoses and sprinklers.

Make sure the temperature at night is well above freezing before turning on the shut off valve in your basement, crawl space, or utility room. If the shut off valve doesn’t turn easily, contact us to replace it. Don’t force it open. Likewise, with the outdoor faucet itself, don’t force it on if it doesn’t turn on easily. Many homeowners will need to replace their faucets in the spring.

Jake installs frost free faucets that guard against freeze damage through the winter. Get your replacement today, to enjoy all your gardening and family enjoyment in your yard.

We’ve got a special deal for replacement lawn faucets this spring:

Coupons – Jake The Plumber (